Anna University
Just like evey year, Agian Anna University, Chennai is organizing “Tamil Nadu State Level Placement Programme” (TNSLPP) 2013-14, for the Present Final Year (2014 Passing Out Students) studying in University Colleges and Self Financing Engineering Colleges of Tamil Nadu, under Tirunelveli Zone.
Job Field : IT/Software
Job Role : Software Development and Testing
Venue : Tirunelvi District
Job Location : Across India
Event Date : On 10th and 11th January 2014
Year of Passing : Final Year cadidates of 2014
Required Qualification : B.E. / B.Tech. (CSE, ECE, EEE, EIE, ICE & IT) with CGPA 8.00 (no rounding off) and above (No Standing Arrears) from I Semester to Last Semester are eligible to participate in this programme.
Salary : Best in Industry
Experience : Freshers
Apply Mode : Through your College/TPO
Venue :
PSN College of Engineering and Technology,
Melathediyoor, Tirunelveli District – 627 152.
-: Company Details :-
Company Name : M/s Infosys Technologies Limited
Contact Person : Your College Principal / Placement Officer
Website of the Company: http://www.infosys.com

How to Apply:
Once again, Anna University Tirunelveli Zone is organizing Tamil Nadu State Level Placement Programme(TNSLPP) 2013-14 just like every year to provide placement for the deserving students, for the Present Final Year (2012 Passing Out). This time the one of the leading company of the IT industry Infosys is going to recruit the deserving students. This is a great chance to go for the leading IT company like Infosys. You can apply for this off campus if you are the student of any Self Financing Engineering Colleges of Tamil Nadu(Anna University Tirunelveli Zone). Students of any branch can apply for this but they should not have any standing arrears from Ist to VII semester and they should have an average of 70% and above marks consistently from 10th Std. and 12th Std.
Further Details here - Anna University Notification